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    c.jpg (913 bytes)horalising in the Indian style is a difficult process of innovation because Indian choral pieces are based entirely on a blending of Indian classical & folk styles of singing. Great care is to be exercised in choosing the harmonic arrangement in that it should not disturb the Indianness of our music, even as it remains within the rules of harmonic progression.

    Indian Choral Music in its present form, started with the Paranjoti Choir of Bombay. The other groups to appear on the Indian Choral Music scene were the Madras Youth Choir (Madras), the Gandharva Choir, the New India Choir (Bombay).

    The next major group to rise on the horizon of Indian Choral Music was the BANGALORE YOUTH CHOIR(R) with Smt. KAVERI SRIDHAR as its Soul!

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